Our Purpose
To joyfully experience God’s presence
To faithfully live out the Good News of Christ To be ever-attentive to the inspiration of the Spirit |
Our Covenant
Since God is still speaking and we’re still listening, we will:
Listen to honest questions & doubts as well as hopes & faith testimonies, Encourage life-long learning and intergenerational mentoring. Since we hear God’s call to be earth-friendly, justice-seeking peacemakers, we seek to: Be at one with God, others, our own best selves… Live as one in Community, Simplicity & Non-violence. Since we strive to be an encompassing church whose compass is Jesus’ life & teachings, we will: Affirm each person’s unique, God-given strengths. Celebrate diversity in religious background, sexual orientation, race, age & ability. Respecting our United Church of Christ heritage, we say: “In essentials, unity, in non-essentials, diversity, in all things charity.” |